Advanced Queries

Advanced Queries

ORM uses QuerySeter to organize queries. Every method that returns QuerySeter will give you a new QuerySeter object.

Basic Usage:

o := orm.NewOrm()

// Get a QuerySeter object. User is table name
qs := o.QueryTable("user")

// Can also use object as table name
user := new(User)
qs = o.QueryTable(user) // return a QuerySeter


expr describes fields and SQL operators in QuerySeter.

Field combination orders are decided by the relationship of tables. For example, User has a foreign key to Profile, so if you want to use Profile.Age as the condition, you have to use the expression Profile__Age. Note that the separator is double under scores __. Expr can also append operators at the end to execute related SQL. For example, Profile__Age__gt represents condition query Profile.Age > 18.

Comments below describe SQL statements that are similar to the expr, but may not be the exact generated results.

qs.Filter("id", 1) // WHERE id = 1
qs.Filter("profile__age", 18) // WHERE profile.age = 18
qs.Filter("Profile__Age", 18) // key name and field name are both valid
qs.Filter("profile__age", 18) // WHERE profile.age = 18
qs.Filter("profile__age__gt", 18) // WHERE profile.age > 18
qs.Filter("profile__age__gte", 18) // WHERE profile.age >= 18
qs.Filter("profile__age__in", 18, 20) // WHERE profile.age IN (18, 20)

qs.Filter("profile__age__in", 18, 20).Exclude("profile__lt", 1000)
// WHERE profile.age IN (18, 20) AND NOT profile_id < 1000


The supported operators:

The operators that start with i ignore case.


Default values of Filter, Exclude and Condition expr

qs.Filter("name", "slene") // WHERE name = 'slene'
qs.Filter("name__exact", "slene") // WHERE name = 'slene'
// using = , case sensitive or not is depending on which collation database table is used
qs.Filter("profile", nil) // WHERE profile_id IS NULL


qs.Filter("name__iexact", "slene")
// WHERE name LIKE 'slene'
// Case insensitive, will match any name that equals to 'slene'


qs.Filter("name__contains", "slene")
// WHERE name LIKE BINARY '%slene%'
// Case sensitive, only match name that contains 'slene'


qs.Filter("name__icontains", "slene")
// WHERE name LIKE '%slene%'
// Case insensitive, will match any name that contains 'slene'


qs.Filter("profile__age__in", 17, 18, 19, 20)
// WHERE profile.age IN (17, 18, 19, 20)

gt / gte

qs.Filter("profile__age__gt", 17)
// WHERE profile.age > 17

qs.Filter("profile__age__gte", 18)
// WHERE profile.age >= 18

lt / lte

qs.Filter("profile__age__lt", 17)
// WHERE profile.age < 17

qs.Filter("profile__age__lte", 18)
// WHERE profile.age <= 18


qs.Filter("name__startswith", "slene")
// WHERE name LIKE BINARY 'slene%'
// Case sensitive, only match name that starts with 'slene'


qs.Filter("name__istartswith", "slene")
// WHERE name LIKE 'slene%'
// Case insensitive, will match any name that starts with 'slene'


qs.Filter("name__endswith", "slene")
// WHERE name LIKE BINARY '%slene'
// Case sensitive, only match name that ends with 'slene'


qs.Filter("name__iendswith", "slene")
// WHERE name LIKE '%slene'
// Case insensitive, will match any name that ends with 'slene'


qs.Filter("profile__isnull", true)
qs.Filter("profile_id__isnull", true)
// WHERE profile_id IS NULL

qs.Filter("profile__isnull", false)
// WHERE profile_id IS NOT NULL

Advanced Query API

QuerySeter is the API of advanced queries. Here are its methods:

type QuerySeter interface {
// add condition expression to QuerySeter.
// for example:
//	filter by UserName == 'slene'
//	qs.Filter("UserName", "slene")
//	sql : left outer join profile on t0.id1==t1.id2 where t1.age == 28
//	Filter("profile__Age", 28)
// 	 // time compare
//	qs.Filter("created", time.Now())
Filter(string, ...interface{}) QuerySeter
// add raw sql to querySeter.
// for example:
// qs.FilterRaw("user_id IN (SELECT id FROM profile WHERE age>=18)")
// //sql-> WHERE user_id IN (SELECT id FROM profile WHERE age>=18)
FilterRaw(string, string) QuerySeter
// add NOT condition to querySeter.
// have the same usage as Filter
Exclude(string, ...interface{}) QuerySeter
// set condition to QuerySeter.
// sql's where condition
//	cond := orm.NewCondition()
//	cond1 := cond.And("profile__isnull", false).AndNot("status__in", 1).Or("profile__age__gt", 2000)
//	//sql-> WHERE T0.`profile_id` IS NOT NULL AND NOT T0.`Status` IN (?) OR T1.`age` >  2000
//	num, err := qs.SetCond(cond1).Count()
SetCond(*Condition) QuerySeter
// get condition from QuerySeter.
// sql's where condition
//  cond := orm.NewCondition()
//  cond = cond.And("profile__isnull", false).AndNot("status__in", 1)
//  qs = qs.SetCond(cond)
//  cond = qs.GetCond()
//  cond := cond.Or("profile__age__gt", 2000)
//  //sql-> WHERE T0.`profile_id` IS NOT NULL AND NOT T0.`Status` IN (?) OR T1.`age` >  2000
//  num, err := qs.SetCond(cond).Count()
GetCond() *Condition
// add LIMIT value.
// args[0] means offset, e.g. LIMIT num,offset.
// if Limit <= 0 then Limit will be set to default limit ,eg 1000
// if QuerySeter doesn't call Limit, the sql's Limit will be set to default limit, eg 1000
//  for example:
//	qs.Limit(10, 2)
//	// sql-> limit 10 offset 2
Limit(limit interface{}, args ...interface{}) QuerySeter
// add OFFSET value
// same as Limit function's args[0]
Offset(offset interface{}) QuerySeter
// add GROUP BY expression
// for example:
//	qs.GroupBy("id")
GroupBy(exprs ...string) QuerySeter
// add ORDER expression.
// "column" means ASC, "-column" means DESC.
// for example:
//	qs.OrderBy("-status")
OrderBy(exprs ...string) QuerySeter
// add FORCE INDEX expression.
// for example:
//	qs.ForceIndex(`idx_name1`,`idx_name2`)
// ForceIndex, UseIndex , IgnoreIndex are mutually exclusive
ForceIndex(indexes ...string) QuerySeter
// add USE INDEX expression.
// for example:
//	qs.UseIndex(`idx_name1`,`idx_name2`)
// ForceIndex, UseIndex , IgnoreIndex are mutually exclusive
UseIndex(indexes ...string) QuerySeter
// add IGNORE INDEX expression.
// for example:
//	qs.IgnoreIndex(`idx_name1`,`idx_name2`)
// ForceIndex, UseIndex , IgnoreIndex are mutually exclusive
IgnoreIndex(indexes ...string) QuerySeter
// set relation model to query together.
// it will query relation models and assign to parent model.
// for example:
//	// will load all related fields use left join .
// 	qs.RelatedSel().One(&user)
//	// will  load related field only profile
//	qs.RelatedSel("profile").One(&user)
//	user.Profile.Age = 32
RelatedSel(params ...interface{}) QuerySeter
// Set Distinct
// for example:
//  o.QueryTable("policy").Filter("Groups__Group__Users__User", user).
//    Distinct().
//    All(&permissions)
Distinct() QuerySeter
// set FOR UPDATE to query.
// for example:
//  o.QueryTable("user").Filter("uid", uid).ForUpdate().All(&users)
ForUpdate() QuerySeter
// return QuerySeter execution result number
// for example:
//	num, err = qs.Filter("profile__age__gt", 28).Count()
Count() (int64, error)
// check result empty or not after QuerySeter executed
// the same as QuerySeter.Count > 0
Exist() bool
// execute update with parameters
// for example:
//	num, err = qs.Filter("user_name", "slene").Update(Params{
//		"Nums": ColValue(Col_Minus, 50),
//	}) // user slene's Nums will minus 50
//	num, err = qs.Filter("UserName", "slene").Update(Params{
//		"user_name": "slene2"
//	}) // user slene's  name will change to slene2
Update(values Params) (int64, error)
// delete from table
// for example:
//	num ,err = qs.Filter("user_name__in", "testing1", "testing2").Delete()
// 	//delete two user  who's name is testing1 or testing2
Delete() (int64, error)
// return a insert queryer.
// it can be used in times.
// example:
// 	i,err := sq.PrepareInsert()
// 	num, err = i.Insert(&user1) // user table will add one record user1 at once
//	num, err = i.Insert(&user2) // user table will add one record user2 at once
//	err = i.Close() //don't forget call Close
PrepareInsert() (Inserter, error)
// query all data and map to containers.
// cols means the columns when querying.
// for example:
//	var users []*User
//	qs.All(&users) // users[0],users[1],users[2] ...
All(container interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error)
// query one row data and map to containers.
// cols means the columns when querying.
// for example:
//	var user User
//	qs.One(&user) //user.UserName == "slene"
One(container interface{}, cols ...string) error
// query all data and map to []map[string]interface.
// expres means condition expression.
// it converts data to []map[column]value.
// for example:
//	var maps []Params
//	qs.Values(&maps) //maps[0]["UserName"]=="slene"
Values(results *[]Params, exprs ...string) (int64, error)
// query all data and map to [][]interface
// it converts data to [][column_index]value
// for example:
//	var list []ParamsList
//	qs.ValuesList(&list) // list[0][1] == "slene"
ValuesList(results *[]ParamsList, exprs ...string) (int64, error)
// query all data and map to []interface.
// it's designed for one column record set, auto change to []value, not [][column]value.
// for example:
//	var list ParamsList
//	qs.ValuesFlat(&list, "UserName") // list[0] == "slene"
ValuesFlat(result *ParamsList, expr string) (int64, error)
// query all rows into map[string]interface with specify key and value column name.
// keyCol = "name", valueCol = "value"
// table data
// name  | value
// total | 100
// found | 200
// to map[string]interface{}{
// 	"total": 100,
// 	"found": 200,
// }
RowsToMap(result *Params, keyCol, valueCol string) (int64, error)
// query all rows into struct with specify key and value column name.
// keyCol = "name", valueCol = "value"
// table data
// name  | value
// total | 100
// found | 200
// to struct {
// 	Total int
// 	Found int
// }
RowsToStruct(ptrStruct interface{}, keyCol, valueCol string) (int64, error)
  • Every API call that returns QuerySeter will give you a new QuerySeter object. It won’t affect the previous object.

  • Advanced queries use Filter and Exclude to do conditional queries. There are two filter rules - contain and exclude


Used to filter the result for the include conditions.

Use AND to connect multiple filters:

qs.Filter("profile__isnull", true).Filter("name", "slene")
// WHERE profile_id IS NULL AND name = 'slene'


Used to filter the result for the exclude conditions.

Use NOT to exclude condition Use AND to connect multiple filters:

qs.Exclude("profile__isnull", true).Filter("name", "slene")
// WHERE NOT profile_id IS NULL AND name = 'slene'


Custom conditions:

cond := NewCondition()
cond1 := cond.And("profile__isnull", false).AndNot("status__in", 1).Or("profile__age__gt", 2000)

qs := orm.QueryTable("user")
qs = qs.SetCond(cond1)
// WHERE ... AND ... AND NOT ... OR ...

cond2 := cond.AndCond(cond1).OrCond(cond.And("name", "slene"))
qs = qs.SetCond(cond2).Count()
// WHERE (... AND ... AND NOT ... OR ...) OR ( ... )


Limit maximum returned lines. The second param can set Offset

var DefaultRowsLimit = 1000 // The default limit of ORM is 1000

// LIMIT 1000

// LIMIT 10

qs.Limit(10, 20)

// no limit

qs.Limit(-1, 100)
// LIMIT 18446744073709551615 OFFSET 100
// 18446744073709551615 is 1<<64 - 1. Used to set the condition which is no limit but with offset


Set offset lines:

// LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 20


qs.GroupBy("id", "age")
// GROUP BY id,age


Param uses expr

Using - at the beginning of expr stands for order by DESC

qs.OrderBy("id", "-profile__age")
// ORDER BY id ASC, profile.age DESC

qs.OrderBy("-profile__age", "profile")
// ORDER BY profile.age DESC, profile_id ASC


Forcing DB to use the index.

You need to check your DB whether it support this feature.



Suggest DB to user the index.

You need to check your DB whether it support this feature.



Make DB ignore the index

You need to check your DB whether it support this feature.



Same as distinct statement in sql, return only distinct (different) values



Relational queries. Param uses expr

var DefaultRelsDepth = 5 // RelatedSel will query for maximum 5 level by default

qs := o.QueryTable("post")

// INNER JOIN user ... LEFT OUTER JOIN profile ...

// INNER JOIN user ... 
// Only query the fields set by expr

// For fields with null attribute will use LEFT OUTER JOIN


Return line count based on the current query

cnt, err := o.QueryTable("user").Count() // SELECT COUNT(*) FROM USER
fmt.Printf("Count Num: %s, %s", cnt, err)


exist := o.QueryTable("user").Filter("UserName", "Name").Exist()
fmt.Printf("Is Exist: %s", exist)


Execute batch updating based on the current query

num, err := o.QueryTable("user").Filter("name", "slene").Update(orm.Params{
	"name": "astaxie",
fmt.Printf("Affected Num: %s, %s", num, err)
// SET name = "astaixe" WHERE name = "slene"

Atom operation add field:

// Assume there is a nums int field in user struct
num, err := o.QueryTable("user").Update(orm.Params{
	"nums": orm.ColValue(orm.Col_Add, 100),
// SET nums = nums + 100

orm.ColValue supports:

Col_Add      // plus
Col_Minus    // minus 
Col_Multiply // multiply 
Col_Except   // divide


Execute batch deletion based on the current query

num, err := o.QueryTable("user").Filter("name", "slene").Delete()
fmt.Printf("Affected Num: %s, %s", num, err)
// DELETE FROM user WHERE name = "slene"


Use a prepared statement to increase inserting speed with multiple inserts.

var users []*User
qs := o.QueryTable("user")
i, _ := qs.PrepareInsert()
for _, user := range users {
	id, err := i.Insert(user)
	if err != nil {
// PREPARE INSERT INTO user (`name`, ...) VALUES (?, ...)
// EXECUTE INSERT INTO user (`name`, ...) VALUES ("slene", ...)
// EXECUTE ...
// ...
i.Close() // Don't forget to close the statement


Return the related ResultSet

Param of All supports *[]Type and *[]*Type

var users []*User
num, err := o.QueryTable("user").Filter("name", "slene").All(&users)
fmt.Printf("Returned Rows Num: %s, %s", num, err)

All / Values / ValuesList / ValuesFlat will be limited by Limit. 1000 lines by default.

The returned fields can be specified:

type Post struct {
	Id      int
	Title   string
	Content string
	Status  int

// Only return Id and Title
var posts []Post
o.QueryTable("post").Filter("Status", 1).All(&posts, "Id", "Title")

The other fields of the object are set to the default value of the field’s type.


Try to return one record

var user User
err := o.QueryTable("user").Filter("name", "slene").One(&user)
if err == orm.ErrMultiRows {
	// Have multiple records
	fmt.Printf("Returned Multi Rows Not One")
if err == orm.ErrNoRows {
	// No result 
	fmt.Printf("Not row found")

The returned fields can be specified:

// Only return Id and Title
var post Post
o.QueryTable("post").Filter("Content__istartswith", "prefix string").One(&post, "Id", "Title")

The other fields of the object are set to the default value of the fields’ type.


Return key => value of result set

key is Field name in Model. value type if string.

var maps []orm.Params
num, err := o.QueryTable("user").Values(&maps)
if err == nil {
	fmt.Printf("Result Nums: %d\n", num)
	for _, m := range maps {
		fmt.Println(m["Id"], m["Name"])

Return specific fields:

TODO: doesn’t support recursive query. RelatedSel return Values directly

But it can specify the value needed by expr.

var maps []orm.Params
num, err := o.QueryTable("user").Values(&maps, "id", "name", "profile", "profile__age")
if err == nil {
	fmt.Printf("Result Nums: %d\n", num)
	for _, m := range maps {
		fmt.Println(m["Id"], m["Name"], m["Profile"], m["Profile__Age"])
    // There is no complicated nesting data in the map


The result set will be stored as a slice

The order of the result is same as the Fields order in the Model definition.

The values are saved as strings.

var lists []orm.ParamsList
num, err := o.QueryTable("user").ValuesList(&lists)
if err == nil {
	fmt.Printf("Result Nums: %d\n", num)
	for _, row := range lists {

It can return specific fields by setting expr.

var lists []orm.ParamsList
num, err := o.QueryTable("user").ValuesList(&lists, "name", "profile__age")
if err == nil {
	fmt.Printf("Result Nums: %d\n", num)
	for _, row := range lists {
		fmt.Printf("Name: %s, Age: %s\m", row[0], row[1])


Only returns a single values slice of a specific field.

var list orm.ParamsList
num, err := o.QueryTable("user").ValuesFlat(&list, "name")
if err == nil {
	fmt.Printf("Result Nums: %d\n", num)
	fmt.Printf("All User Names: %s", strings.Join(list, ", "))

Relational Query

Let’s see how to do a Relational Query by looking at Model Definition

User and Profile is OnToOne relation

Query Profile by known User object:

user := &User{Id: 1}
if user.Profile != nil {

Cascaded query directly:

user := &User{}
o.QueryTable("user").Filter("Id", 1).RelatedSel().One(user)
// Get Profile automatically
// Because In Profile we defined reverse relation User, Profile's User is also auto assigned. Can directly use:

Reverse finding Profile by User:

var profile Profile
err := o.QueryTable("profile").Filter("User__Id", 1).One(&profile)
if err == nil {

Post and User are ManyToOne relation. i.e.: ForeignKey is User

type Post struct {
	Id    int
	Title string
	User  *User  `orm:"rel(fk)"`
	Tags  []*Tag `orm:"rel(m2m)"`
var posts []*Post
num, err := o.QueryTable("post").Filter("User", 1).RelatedSel().All(&posts)
if err == nil {
	fmt.Printf("%d posts read\n", num)
	for _, post := range posts {
		fmt.Printf("Id: %d, UserName: %d, Title: %s\n", post.Id, post.User.UserName, post.Title)

Query related User by Post.Title:

While RegisterModel, ORM will create reverse relation for Post in User. So it can query directly:

var user User
err := o.QueryTable("user").Filter("Post__Title", "The Title").Limit(1).One(&user)
if err == nil {

Post and Tag are ManyToMany relation

After setting rel(m2m), ORM will create connecting table automatically.

type Post struct {
	Id    int
	Title string
	User  *User  `orm:"rel(fk)"`
	Tags  []*Tag `orm:"rel(m2m)"`
type Tag struct {
	Id    int
	Name  string
	Posts []*Post `orm:"reverse(many)"`

Query which post used the tag with tag name:

var posts []*Post
num, err := dORM.QueryTable("post").Filter("Tags__Tag__Name", "golang").All(&posts)

Query how many tags does the post have with post title:

var tags []*Tag
num, err := dORM.QueryTable("tag").Filter("Posts__Post__Title", "Introduce Beego ORM").All(&tags)

LoadRelated is used to load relation field of model. Including all rel/reverse - one/many relation.

Load ManyToMany relation field

// load related Tags
post := Post{Id: 1}
err := o.Read(&post)
num, err := o.LoadRelated(&post, "Tags")
// Load related Posts
tag := Tag{Id: 1}
err := o.Read(&tag)
num, err := o.LoadRelated(&tag, "Posts")

User is the ForeignKey of Post. Load related ReverseMany

type User struct {
	Id    int
	Name  string
	Posts []*Post `orm:"reverse(many)"`

user := User{Id: 1}
err := dORM.Read(&user)
num, err := dORM.LoadRelated(&user, "Posts")
for _, post := range user.Posts {

Handling ManyToMany relation

// QueryM2Mer model to model query struct
// all operations are on the m2m table only, will not affect the origin model table
type QueryM2Mer interface {
	// add models to origin models when creating queryM2M.
	// example:
	// 	m2m := orm.QueryM2M(post,"Tag")
	// 	m2m.Add(&Tag1{},&Tag2{})
	//  	for _,tag := range post.Tags{}{ ... }
	// param could also be any of the follow
	// 	[]*Tag{{Id:3,Name: "TestTag1"}, {Id:4,Name: "TestTag2"}}
	//	&Tag{Id:5,Name: "TestTag3"}
	//	[]interface{}{&Tag{Id:6,Name: "TestTag4"}}
	// insert one or more rows to m2m table
	// make sure the relation is defined in post model struct tag.
	Add(...interface{}) (int64, error)
	// remove models following the origin model relationship
	// only delete rows from m2m table
	// for example:
	// tag3 := &Tag{Id:5,Name: "TestTag3"}
	// num, err = m2m.Remove(tag3)
	Remove(...interface{}) (int64, error)
	// check model is existed in relationship of origin model
	Exist(interface{}) bool
	// clean all models in related of origin model
	Clear() (int64, error)
	// count all related models of origin model
	Count() (int64, error)

Create a QueryM2Mer object

o := orm.NewOrm()
post := Post{Id: 1}
m2m := o.QueryM2M(&post, "Tags")
// In the first param object must have primary key
// The second param is the M2M field will work with
// API of QueryM2Mer will used to Post with id equals 1

QueryM2Mer Add

tag := &Tag{Name: "golang"}

num, err := m2m.Add(tag)
if err == nil {
	fmt.Println("Added nums: ", num)

Add supports many types: Tag *Tag []*Tag []Tag []interface{}

var tags []*Tag
// After reading tags
num, err := m2m.Add(tags)
if err == nil {
	fmt.Println("Added nums: ", num)
// It can pass multiple params
// m2m.Add(tag1, tag2, tag3)

QueryM2Mer Remove

Remove tag from M2M relation:

Remove supports many types: Tag *Tag []*Tag []Tag []interface{}

var tags []*Tag
// After reading tags
num, err := m2m.Remove(tags)
if err == nil {
	fmt.Println("Removed nums: ", num)
// It can pass multiple params
// m2m.Remove(tag1, tag2, tag3)

QueryM2Mer Exist

Test if Tag is in M2M relation

if m2m.Exist(&Tag{Id: 2}) {
	fmt.Println("Tag Exist")

QueryM2Mer Clear

Clear all M2M relation

nums, err := m2m.Clear()
if err == nil {
	fmt.Println("Removed Tag Nums: ", nums)

QueryM2Mer Count

Count the number of Tags

nums, err := m2m.Count()
if err == nil {
	fmt.Println("Total Nums: ", nums)