Form validation

Form validation

The Form validation module is used for data validation and error collection.

Installing and testing


go get


go test


In order to localize validation error messages, one might use SetDefaultMessage function of the validation package.

Note that format markers (%d, %s) must be preserved in translated text to provide resulting messages with validation context values.

Default template messages are present in validation.MessageTmpls variable.

Simple message localization for Russian language:

import ""

func init() {
		"Required":     "Должно быть заполнено",
		"Min":          "Минимально допустимое значение %d",
		"Max":          "Максимально допустимое значение %d",
		"Range":        "Должно быть в диапазоне от %d до %d",
		"MinSize":      "Минимально допустимая длина %d",
		"MaxSize":      "Максимально допустимая длина %d",
		"Length":       "Длина должна быть равна %d",
		"Alpha":        "Должно состоять из букв",
		"Numeric":      "Должно состоять из цифр",
		"AlphaNumeric": "Должно состоять из букв или цифр",
		"Match":        "Должно совпадать с %s",
		"NoMatch":      "Не должно совпадать с %s",
		"AlphaDash":    "Должно состоять из букв, цифр или символов (-_)",
		"Email":        "Должно быть в правильном формате email",
		"IP":           "Должен быть правильный IP адрес",
		"Base64":       "Должно быть представлено в правильном формате base64",
		"Mobile":       "Должно быть правильным номером мобильного телефона",
		"Tel":          "Должно быть правильным номером телефона",
		"Phone":        "Должно быть правильным номером телефона или мобильного телефона",
		"ZipCode":      "Должно быть правильным почтовым индексом",


Direct use:

import (

type User struct {
    Name string
    Age int

func main() {
    u := User{"man", 40}
    valid := validation.Validation{}
    valid.Required(u.Name, "name")
    valid.MaxSize(u.Name, 15, "nameMax")
    valid.Range(u.Age, 0, 18, "age")

    if valid.HasErrors() {
        // If there are error messages it means the validation didn't pass
        // Print error message
        for _, err := range valid.Errors {
            log.Println(err.Key, err.Message)
    // or use like this
    if v := valid.Max(u.Age, 140, "age"); !v.Ok {
        log.Println(v.Error.Key, v.Error.Message)
    // Customize error messages
    minAge := 18
    valid.Min(u.Age, minAge, "age").Message("18+ only!!")
    // Format error messages
    valid.Min(u.Age, minAge, "age").Message("%d+", minAge)

Use through StructTag

import (


// Set validation function in "valid" tag
// Use ";" as the separator of multiple functions. Spaces accept after ";"
// Wrap parameters with "()" and separate parameter with ",". Spaces accept after ","
// Wrap regex match with "//"
// 各个函数的结果的key值为字段名.验证函数名
type user struct {
    Id     int
    Name   string `valid:"Required;Match(/^Bee.*/)"` // Name can't be empty or start with Bee
    Age    int    `valid:"Range(1, 140)"` // 1 <= Age <= 140, only valid in this range
    Email  string `valid:"Email; MaxSize(100)"` // Need to be a valid Email address and no more than 100 characters.
    Mobile string `valid:"Mobile"` // Must be a valid mobile number
    IP     string `valid:"IP"` // Must be a valid IPv4 address

// If your struct implemented interface `validation.ValidFormer`
// When all tests in StructTag succeed, it will execute Valid function for custom validation
func (u *user) Valid(v *validation.Validation) {
    if strings.Index(u.Name, "admin") != -1 {
        // Set error messages of Name by SetError and HasErrors will return true
        v.SetError("Name", "Can't contain 'admin' in Name")

func main() {
    valid := validation.Validation{}
    u := user{Name: "Beego", Age: 2, Email: ""}
    b, err := valid.Valid(&u)
    if err != nil {
        // handle error
    if !b {
        // validation does not pass
        // blabla...
        for _, err := range valid.Errors {
            log.Println(err.Key, err.Message)

Available validation functions in StrucTag:

  • Required not empty. :TODO 不为空,即各个类型要求不为其零值
  • Min(min int) minimum value. Valid type is int, all other types are invalid.
  • Max(max int) maximum value. Valid type is int, all other types are invalid.
  • Range(min, max int) Value range. Valid type is int, all other types are invalid.
  • MinSize(min int) minimum length. Valid type is string slice, all other types are invalid.
  • MaxSize(max int) maximum length. Valid type is string slice, all other types are invalid.
  • Length(length int) fixed length. Valid type is string slice, all other types are invalid.
  • Alpha alpha characters. Valid type is string, all other types are invalid.
  • Numeric numerics. Valid type is string, all other types are invalid.
  • AlphaNumeric alpha characters or numerics. Valid type is string, all other types are invalid.
  • Match(pattern string) regex matching. Valid type is string, all other types will be cast to string then match. (fmt.Sprintf("%v", obj).Match)
  • AlphaDash alpha characters or numerics or -_. Valid type is string, all other types are invalid.
  • Email Email address. Valid type is string, all other types are invalid.
  • IP IP address,Only support IPv4 address. Valid type is string, all other types are invalid.
  • Base64 base64 encoding. Valid type is string, all other types are invalid.
  • Mobile mobile number. Valid type is string, all other types are invalid.
  • Tel telephone number. Valid type is string, all other types are invalid.
  • Phone mobile number or telephone number. Valid type is string, all other types are invalid.
  • ZipCode zip code. Valid type is string, all other types are invalid.

API doc

Please see Go Walker