URL Building
URL Building
If it can match URLs, can Beego also generate them? Of course it can. To build a URL to a specific function you can use the URLFor() function. It accepts the name of the function of Controller as first argument and a number of keyword arguments, each corresponding to the variable part of the URL rule. Unknown variable parts are appended to the URL as query parameters. Here are some examples:
Here is the controller definition:
type TestController struct {
func (this *TestController) Get() {
this.Data["Username"] = "astaxie"
func (this *TestController) List() {
this.Ctx.Output.Body([]byte("i am list"))
func (this *TestController) Params() {
this.Ctx.Output.Body([]byte(this.Ctx.Input.Params["0"] + this.Ctx.Input.Params["1"] + this.Ctx.Input.Params["2"]))
func (this *TestController) Myext() {
func (this *TestController) GetUrl() {
This is how you register the router:
web.Router("/api/list", &TestController{}, "*:List")
web.Router("/person/:last/:first", &TestController{})
This is how you generate the url:
// Output /api/list
web.URLFor("TestController.Get", ":last", "xie", ":first", "asta")
// Output /person/xie/asta
// Output /Test/Myext
// Output /Test/GetUrl
This is how you use it in a template
beego has already registered the template function urlfor
. You can use it like this:
{{urlfor "TestController.List"}}
// Output /api/list
{{urlfor "TestController.Get" ":last" "xie" ":first" "asta"}}
// Output /person/xie/asta
Why would you want to build URLs instead of hard-coding them into your templates? There are three good reasons for this:
- Reversing is often more descriptive than hard-coding the URLs. More importantly, it allows you to change URLs in one go, without having to remember to change URLs all over the place.
- URL building will handle escaping of special characters and Unicode data transparently for you, so you don’t have to deal with them.