Context Module

Context Module

Context is a encapsulation for http request and response. Context module provides Input object for user input which is request and Output object for output which response.

Context Object

Here are the functions encapsulated for input and output in context object.

  • Redirect
  • Abort
  • WriteString
  • GetCookie
  • SetCookie

Context object is the parameter of Filter function so that you can use filter to manipulate it or finish the process in advance.

Input Object

Input object is the encapsulation of request. Here are the implemented methods:

  • Protocol

    Get request protocol. E.g.: HTTP/1.0

  • Uri

    The RequestURI of request. E.g.: /hi

  • Url

    The URL of request. E.g.:

  • Site

    The combination of scheme and domain. E.g.:

  • Scheme

    The request scheme. E.g.: http, https

  • Domain

    The request domain. E.g.:

  • Host

    The request domain. Same as Domain.

  • Method

    The request method. It’s standard http request method. E.g.: GET, `POST,

  • Is

    Test if it’s a http method. E.g.: Is('GET') will return true or false

  • IsAjax

    Test if it’s a ajax request. Return true or false.

  • IsSecure

    Test if the request is a https request. Return true or false.

  • IsWebsocket

    Test if the request is a Websocket request. Return true or false.

  • IsUpload

    Test if there is file uploaded in the request. Return true or false.

  • IP

    Return the IP of the request user. If the user is using proxy, it will get the real IP recursively.

  • Proxy

    Return all IP addresses of the proxy request.

  • Refer

    Return the refer of the request.

  • SubDomains

    Return the root domain of request. For example, request domain is, then this function returns

  • Port

    Return the port of request. E.g.: 8080

  • UserAgent

    Return UserAgent of request. E.g.: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.57 Safari/537.36

  • Param

    Can be set in router config. Userd to get those params. E.g.: Param(":id") return 12

  • Query

    Return all params in GET and POST requests. This is similar as $_REQUEST in PHP

  • Header

    Return request header. E.g.: Header("Accept-Language") will return the value in request header, E.g.: zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,en;q=0.6

  • Cookie

    Return request Cookie. E.g.: Cookie("username") will return the value of username in cookies

  • Session

    You can be initialized session. It is Session object in session module of Beego. Return the related data stored in server.

  • Body

    Return request body. E.g.: in API application request send JSON data and it can’t be retrieved by Query. You need use Body to get the JSON data.

  • GetData

    Get value of Data in Input

  • SetData

    Set value of Data in Input. GetData and SetData is used to pass data from Filter to Controller.

Output Object

Output object is the encapsulation of request. Here are the implemented methods:

  • Header

    Set response header. E.g.: Header("Server","beego")

  • Body

    Set response body. E.g.: Body([]byte("astaxie"))

  • Cookie

    Set response cookie. E.g.: Cookie("sessionID","beegoSessionID")

  • Json

    Parse Data into JSON and call Body to return it.

  • Jsonp

    Parse Data into JSONP and call Body to return it.

  • Xml

    Parse Data into XML and call Body to return it.

  • Download

    Pass in file path and output file.

  • ContentType

    Set response ContentType

  • SetStatus

    Set response status

  • Session

    Set the value will be stored in server. E.g.: Session("username","astaxie"). Then it can be read later.

  • IsCachable

    Test if it’s a cacheable status based on status.

  • IsEmpty

    Test if output is empty based on status.

  • IsOk

    Test if response is 200 based on status.

  • IsSuccessful

    Test if response is successful based on status.

  • IsRedirect

    Test if response is redirected based on status.

  • IsForbidden

    Test if response is forbidden based on status.

  • IsNotFound

    Test if response is forbidden based on status.

  • IsClientError

    Test if response is client error based on status.

  • IsServerError

    Test if response is server error based on status.